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Commission Updates and more!

Writer's picture: marquisecubeymarquisecubey

Hey there everyone! So, as you could probably garner, I've been more than a little busy over the course of the past year. To help keep you guys in the loop (heh) I've written up some updates on a few new structural things I'm doing!

Lup Taako cosplay by Marquise Cubey from The Adventure Zone
COSPLAY: Lup (Original Design) from The Adventure Zone. PHOTO: Lorna Phillips, August 2019

October is on the horizon, and it's a month that is going to hit me like a truck in MANY different ways. This includes, but is not limited to, the local theatre season starting up again, my book's release (Which you can preorder right here if you haven't already of course, I'm really proud of it and I'm quite certain it's going to be unlike any other cosplay how-to book out there), and of course Halloween, which is by far the busiest time for my pattern shop. That's a lot of projects!

Now, in the past I had been keeping my commission form open in the event that I would have time to actually take them on. However, now that I've had to focus more of my energy on marketing my book and finishing backlogged files to go onto my pattern shop for the fall season, I've had less and less time to contact clients for sewing projects. I've received a flood of support and requests for commissions over the amount of time I've had the form open, and I can't be grateful enough for it! It means that I've been able to really hone my sewing and drafting skills to a whole new level that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to do otherwise, and that I even have the freedom to pick and choose commissions that interest me the most.

With that being said, even though I like to believe I'm some sort of Wonder Woman girlboss extraordinaire who never gets tired or has personal obligations to attend to, the reality is that I'm a team of only one person. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to take on one-time sewing projects in addition to my other ongoing projects that have other folks involved, at least, not in a way that's financially sustainable over a longer period of time. Don't get me wrong, commissions are also still something I really enjoy doing, especially for friends and repeat customers, and all of the patterns I'm working on currently were even originally done as commissions! I also enjoy making menswear in particular despite not really wearing it myself, so I want to keep that opportunity as something I can still do as well.

So, armed with this knowledge (and after a few existential late night discord calls, thank god for Australian friends), I decided that I would restructure the way I take on commissions in a way that allows them to be more financially viable.

As of today, my current cosplay commission form will be closed for the time being. However, this does not mean that I will stop making personal cosplays for people altogether, far from it!

Instead, at some point in the future when I'm not working on a show and am finished with this current batch of patterns (You'll never see it coming, hint hint), I'll be coming up with the patterns I want to make, maybe even setting up some sort of request form in the future so I could see what The People want, and I will open up slots when I announce it. I will still need to make a sample to test out the pattern after all, and this way, I would be able to kill two birds with one stone! If demand is high for a particular character, I am even open to making a few of the same costume at the same time, as it's easier to make them all at once.

Anyways, I'll be keeping posted on here, there's going to be a lot of exciting things coming to this site in the future and I am WICKED excited to share it with you all! Stay frosty my summer loving friends, it's a hot one out there.


©2023 by Marquise Cubey Cosplay

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